AI for Work

L'open stage AI for Work, parte dell'evento AI Global Summit del WMF,  offre interventi sull'uso e l'impatto dell'AI nel mondo del lavoro.L'accesso all'open stage è possibile con le offerte: Full, Main e Basic.

AI for Work

Hosting della sala

Emanuela Ciuffoli
Emanuela Ciuffoli
Brand Consultant / Formatrice
Ilaria Mundula
Ilaria Mundula
Intercultural marketing & communication strategist
15 giu 08:30 - 20:00

Area Expo

16 giu 08:30 - 20:00

Area Expo

17 giu 08:30 - 18:00

Area Expo

15 giu 10:30 - 10:50

Opening Ceremony WMF 2023 on the Mainstage

15 giu 08:30 - 20:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

16 giu 08:30 - 20:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

17 giu 08:30 - 18:00

Networking, B2B meetings, Job Placement

17 giu 11:00

Gravity - Human Flying Show

16 giu 16:40

Startup Competition Final on the Mainstage

15 giu 10:30 - 12:20

First Mainstage Session

15 giu 14:30 - 16:10

Second Mainstage Session

15 giu 19:10 - 20:20

Third Mainstage Session

16 giu 11:10 - 13:10

First Mainstage Session

16 giu 15:20 - 17:10

Second Mainstage Session

16 giu 18:10 - 19:20

Third Mainstage Session

17 giu 11:40 - 13:30

First Mainstage Session

17 giu 16:30 - 17:50

Second Mainstage Session

15 giu 20:30 - 22:00

Dargen D'Amico Concert on the Mainstage

16 giu 11:40 - 12:00

Guest of Honor Tim Berners-Lee on the Mainstage

17 giu 18:00

Closing Ceremony on the Mainstage

15 giu 12:40 - 13:20
40 min
The world has been hit by the recent ChatGPT hype. Companies and academic institutions are grappling with how to deal with it responsibly as well as how to benefit from the new AI technological leap it represents. Randstad's research shows the implications of AI in work and the increased demand for digital talent. How different are the implications of AI from automation? Practical insights to support digital transformations for start-ups, CIOs, enterprise executives, IT professionals, and digital enthusiasts.
15 giu 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
Faremo un'introduzione ad altissimo livello sui vari tipi di Intelligenza Artificiale, perchè capirne i meccanismi alla base aiuta a comprenderne vantaggi, svantaggi e rischi. Vedremo come l'AI è in uso nel nostro quotidiano, cosa possono farsene le aziende e perchè gli utilizzi pervasivi sono quasi invisibili ed evolvono a velocità stratosferiche, mentre l'adozione nelle aziende stenta a decollare e richiede enormi sforzi. Infine qualche suggerimento per conviverci meglio e migliorare il nostro business usando l'AI consapevolmente.
15 giu 16:20 - 17:00
40 min
The power of data and AI should not only be reserved for the experts but should be accessible to everyone. AI will finally consumerize access to business information. Imagine combining ChatGPT and Apple Siri to create a user-friendly experience tailored to structured business data with powerful enterprise features to make business users speak with their data. Today, I’d like to show you an exclusive demo of a Generative Business Intelligence (BI) platform that makes data accessible through conversations or written chat. Business users can now converse with their data in natural language using voice and written commands. In addition, the AI continuously learns how users consume information and surfaces proactive & contextual recommendations similar to what Spotify and Netflix do with songs and movies. Generative BI becomes a virtual brain of the company’s knowledge that helps teams with data-driven decision-making, similar to asking a colleague for advice.