AI Marketing

Lo stage AI Marketing, parte dell'evento AI Global Summit del WMF e sponsorizzato da Get Response,  offre interventi sull'applicazione del marketing nel campo dell'intelligenza artificiale e interventi di visione sull'AI da parte dei massimi esperti del settore italiani e internazionali. 

Questo stage è accessibile solo dai possessori di Full Ticket.

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Hosting della sala

Stefano De Carlo
Stefano De Carlo
Elisa De Portu
Elisa De Portu
Integra Solutions | RDV
15 giu 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
We are at the dawn of the most profound technological shift in human history. AI is changing everything about how we communicate, sell, learn, teach, design products, start and grow businesses, hire and develop talent, manage tech stacks, build strategies, allocate resources, and drive performance. Big tech is battling for AI supremacy, while pouring billions into AI infrastructure, models, and applications. AI startups are building tools that can generate text, images, videos, audio, and code. Businesses are scrambling to evolve and innovate. Entrepreneurs are emerging from everywhere to launch AI native companies that will disrupt industries. AI is creating boundless opportunities, while sowing chaos and uncertainty in society. And this is the least capable AI we will ever know. Come explore what’s possible with Paul Roetzer, a leading AI author, entrepreneur and speaker. You’ll learn what matters now to your company, and consider what may come next.
15 giu 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
Explore how AI is transforming content creation with automated tools and strategies. Learn about AI's role in enhancing content quality, optimizing strategy, and navigating ethical considerations. Discover practical applications and the balance between AI efficiency and human creativity.
15 giu 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
As chatbots and generative AI technologies evolve, they are revolutionizing the customer experience landscape, offering unparalleled opportunities for engagement and efficiency. This presentation will delve into the evolution of conversational AI within the customer experience, highlighting innovative applications and the ethical challenges that arise. We will explore strategies for implementing AI solutions that adhere to ethical standards, enhance the customer experience, and ensure human values remain at the heart of digital interactions, all in alignment with the EU AI Act.
15 giu 13:40 - 14:20
40 min
Siamo spesso seduti su un tesoro dal valore inespresso, e il giusto mix di strategia e tecnologia può aiutarci a sbloccarne il potenziale. Attraverso casi reali in diversi ambiti (fra i quali banking, retail, B2B lead generation) scopriremo come estrarre valore dai dati di prima parte, trasformandoli nel nostro principale asset per migliorare le performance di marketing e aprire scenari di monetizzazione del dato che non immaginavamo potessero esistere, nel rispetto della privacy dell'utente e in modo integrato con lo stack marketing già esistente.
15 giu 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
This talk explores how a Bayesian Marketing Media Mix model improved WeRoad's marketing strategies. Solving challenges from limited third-party cookies and privacy concerns, the model analyzed complex interactions between channels like online ads, social media, and promotions, incorporating expert knowledge and factors like delays and saturation. Attendees will learn about the Bayesian method's significance, its impact on WeRoad, and how to apply similar models in their business strategies.
15 giu 15:00 - 15:20
20 min