Legal Tech

Legal Tech

Hosting della sala

Angela Lo Giudice
Angela Lo Giudice
Avvocato e co-fondatrice
Nicole Monte
Nicole Monte
Avvocato delle nuove tecnologie - Salary Partner
42LF società tra avvocati
13 giu 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

14 giu 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

15 giu 08:30

Apertura & Accreditamento // Welcoming & Accreditation

13 giu 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
In this speech, we explore the regulatory landscape introduced by the new European AI Act, with an enhanced focus on data-centric strategies for managing artificial intelligence systems. This discussion centers on how high-quality data underpins the compliance requirements and technical guidelines of the Act. We will delve into crucial aspects such as robustness, accuracy, and human oversight, emphasizing the role of data in achieving these metrics. As artificial intelligence reshapes industries and societies worldwide, understanding the regulatory framework that governs its deployment becomes increasingly important. By prioritizing a data-centric approach, we aim to dissect the complexities of the AI Act and propose innovative solutions that advocate for a future where data ethics and innovation are intertwined. Join us as we navigate through the implications of the AI Act and champion a data-driven future in AI regulation.
13 giu 14:20 - 14:40
20 min
L'approvazione degli Etf spot e l'halving di Bitcoin hanno riacceso l'interesse per le cryptovalute. Ma in caso di problemi legali, possono
essere pignorate? Analisi della normativa di riferimento e prospettive per un asset in forte espansione ma privo di giurisprudenza
13 giu 14:40 - 15:00
20 min
In the age of artificial intelligence, intelllectual Property ( IP) ownership challenges arise in the realm of AI-generated inventions and ownership, necessitating clear guidelines. Without explicit policies, ambiguity and disputes hinder innovation. Clear ownership definitions foster collaboration and innovation. Recognition of both human and AI contributions is vital in patent intellectual Property law evolution. Can AI be recognized as inventors or owners of their work? Legal frameworks must adapt to accommodate technological progress. Clear guidelines and recognition of collaborative efforts are essential for a future where innovation thrives alongside IP legal clarity
13 giu 17:00 - 17:20
20 min
This speech aims to explore how the legal profession can not only adapt but also lead and support exponential innovation.
Specific examples will be presented to show how law intersects with advanced technologies, with a particular focus on how lawyers can utilize these technologies to enhance their legal practice and improve their relationship will clients. Key topics will include new ways of doing compliance work, new metholodogies, new tools, always taking into acount the relevance of ethics.
I will also outline the factors that are representing an obstacle to reach this goal.
My aim is to outline a pathway for lawyers who wish to position themselves at the heart of innovation, becoming key figures in the digital transformation of businesses and societies; but also to provide food for thought for companies that want to develop new, different relationships, with their legal counsels
13 giu 17:20 - 17:40
20 min
Lo scenario cookie-less, pluri-annunciato, sta davvero arrivando. Che cosa ci aspetta, specie per il re-targeting e attività affini? Daremo atto delle novità normative rilevanti (come il DMA e l'AI Act) e delle decisioni delle autorità (per es. il caso IAB Europe, la Cookie Pledge, ecc.) che impattano, così come dei risvolti e dubbi giuridici dei nuovi tool (come Privacy Sandbox, Apple SKAN, Facebook Advanced Matching) e di attuali prassi (fingerprinting, web scraping, server side tracking, ecc.).