Human Rights

Lo stage esplora, con la partecipazione di speaker internazionali di spicco, le questioni cruciali che definiscono l'agenda dei diritti umani a livello globale. Approfondiremo le questioni di attualità, le nuove sfide e le migliori pratiche per promuovere e difendere i diritti umani in tutto il mondo, fornendo una prospettiva globale e interdisciplinare su un tema di cruciale importanza.

Hosting della sala

Siyabulela Mandela
Siyabulela Mandela
University of Kurdistan Hewlêr
Gala Ivkovic
Gala Ivkovic
Rondine CIttadella della Pace
13 giu 12:50 - 13:30
40 min
Explore how technology can be used to monitor and promote human rights, corporate social responsibility, digital accessibility for people with disabilities, diversity & inclusion, and anti-discrimination on a global scale, as well as the challenges and opportunities connected with the design of its legislative landscape.
13 giu 14:20 - 15:00
40 min
On 10 December 2023 the United Nations celebrated 75 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This milestone document set out for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and yet these rights continue to be infringed upon at will by the member states. With major geopolitical tensions spanning three continents the Middle East, Europe and Africa it's becoming increasingly clear that human rights do not apply to all, Dignity, Freedom and Justice is the privilege of the few. This panel will critically examine the state of geopolitics and put to test the Universal Declaration of Human Rights against gross human rights violations in the Middle East, Europe and Africa.
13 giu 17:00 - 17:40
40 min
Current economic paradigms have favored a select few while leaving many in poverty. By challenging established paradigms and advocating for a more human approach, it's possible to foster societal change towards a fairer, more inclusive, and equal environment. New economic paradigms already exist, yielding significant positive outcomes and gaining increasing acceptance. The main characteristics will be shared and discussed alongside a comparison with traditional views.