
Lo stage Edutech offre una panoramica esaustiva sulle ultime frontiere della tecnologia educativa. Attraverso una serie di speech coinvolgenti e informativi, gli esperti del settore esploreranno le potenzialità, le sfide e le applicazioni innovative che stanno trasformando il modo in cui impariamo e insegniamo

Hosting della sala

Giorgia Dell’Orefice
Giorgia Dell’Orefice
15 giu 09:20 - 10:00
40 min
Generative AI prompting is not one-directional but?can allow interactions with third parties.?It can be used to create agents that can support the teaching and learning of learners on your behalf. In this talk, I will discuss how through the use of simple prompting a specialised agent persona can provide teaching and learning support on behalf of parents. Similarly, it can be used by teachers to provide learning outside of the classroom. These agents can?function by interacting with learners specifically around your requests, by teaching them things parents and teachers want them to learn, and by reporting back to you about every conversation they have had with the learner. We?created an agent using the LLM OIMISA-7B.?I will elaborate on this through studies I have conducted with teachers and parents respectively.?The agent was designed to be a conversational Teddy bear that is a study buddy for children who plays with children and in-between play engages them with activities, talk, and learning, as per the prompt request of their parents. All of this without the child feeling like it is an enforced activity. It also reports back to the parent or teacher so that they can get the information needed to personally, or through the agent, further support and engage the learner at a highly personalised level. Finally, I will talk about the importance of building specialised language models, in contrast to using generalised models, to power such agents especially for vulnerable groups like young children, and end the talk by showing our framework to build such agents with a focus on discussing how it can be used for different levels of education.
15 giu 10:20 - 10:40
20 min
Access to quality tech education in rural areas remains a challenge, limiting the development of essential digital skills among children.
However, there is a wealth of digital resources available today that can be repurposed to address this gap.This talk explores the innovative practice of repurposing digital materials, such as free educational videos, online lessons for children in rural schools. We will discuss strategies for identifying and adapting suitable digital resources, along with best practices for integrating them into tech education curricula. By leveraging the potential of repurposed digital materials, we can overcome access barriers and empower children in rural schools with the digital skills needed to thrive in this digital age.
15 giu 10:40 - 11:00
20 min
European EdTech faces fragmentation and difficulties in upscaling: the biggest difficulty facing job applicants face is that as technology is constantly advancing, skills need regular updating, and they also need to show proficiency in the right technology. This can be overcome by gaining a strong foundation in a relevant skill and improve soft skills. During this panel we will try to provide suggestions to help talents, companies, organizations and institutions gain know-how and become more competitive
15 giu 13:40 - 14:00
20 min
La scuola sta cambiando a una velocità mai sperimentata: gli investimenti accelerati da lock down e PNRR, l’hanno dotata di un tappeto digitale, a partire dal quale in molti si chiedono come Chat GPT &co impatteranno la didattica, ma la trasformazione è già in atto e avviene mentre se ne parla. Come vengono utilizzate AI e STEM e quali speranze e paure ne stanno indirizzando la traiettoria? Un punto della situazione sull'edutech, oggi.
15 giu 14:00 - 14:20
20 min
L’innovazione digitale impatta le pratiche didattiche della scuola in modo profondo. Per avere una prospettiva completa sullo stato dell’arte e sui futuri possibili della scuola occorre però considerare questo fenomeno anche dalla parte della trasformazione digitale dell’apprendimento e della cognizione. In questo intervento, esploriamo le implicazioni etiche ed estetiche delle tecnologie educative emergenti, con un’attenzione particolare rivolta all’individuo che apprende, alla necessità di integrare stem e humanities nel suo set di competenze, per dare forma a un’enciclopedia culturale adatta al futuro. 
15 giu 14:40 - 15:20
40 min
Le imprese di oggi che guardano avanti e incontrano molte sfide, tra cui la necessità di restare al passo con un mercato globale sempre in corsa. La formazione, l'innovazione e la capacità di condurre un business sostenibile sono le chiavi per tenere aperta la porta del futuro. SACE accompagna le imprese in questo percorso di crescita con soluzioni alla loro portata e con un programma formativo unico e gratuito.